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Double Maths

Subject leader and contact

Deborah Gordon : Head of Maths 


Double Maths - A-level Mathematics & A-level Further Mathematics

AQA - 7357 & 7367

Entry Requirements

A grade 8 in GCSE Mathematics

Why study Double Maths?

Further mathematicians are passionate about mathematics and enjoy finding the most efficient and elegant solution to a multi-stage problem. They will want to know the “why” underpinning the concepts they are tackling and will be able to spot links between the various aspects of mathematics. A-level Further Mathematics builds on and develops the ideas studied in A-Level Mathematics and introduces new mathematical topics to bridge the gap to degree level mathematics and other subjects with a high mathematical content.

Where can it lead?

Since studying Further Mathematics provides an opportunity to study a broader and deeper range of topics, as well as demonstrating a student’s ability to tackle more advanced topics, it provides strong foundations for a variety of related degrees at university. The subject has clear links with courses such as Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Material Science or even Chemistry. Students who gain A-Level qualifications in both Mathematics and Further Mathematics are highly employable and students find the skills and knowledge gained from the course useful when pursuing careers in areas such as medicine, engineering, veterinary science, finance, computing and any scientific discipline.

Double Maths Extras

In addition to the events offered to students of the A-level Mathematics course, there will be further opportunities for students to extend their mathematical horizons. In particular, students can elect to tackle extension work in preparation for university interviews and additional examinations, such as MAT—the Mathematics entrance exam for Oxford, AEA – Advanced Extension Award or STEP – used for admissions to Mathematics at Cambridge. At Cambourne Sixth Form, we will support you in preparation for those as well as support you if you choose to go on to study Mathematics or similar at degree level.

Course Content

In Double Maths you will study A-Level Mathematics in Year 12 and A-Level Further Mathematics in Year 13. You will sit examinations for both A-Level Mathematics and A-Level Further Mathematics at the end of Year 13.

A-Level Further Mathematics is designed to build upon the content studied in A-Level Mathematics. The course structure for A-level Mathematics in Year 12 can be found under A-Level Mathematics section. 

In Year 13 all students will study Further Pure Maths along with two options from:

  1. Further mechanics
  2. Further statistics
  3. Discrete 

A-Level Further Mathematics is examined by 3 papers which are sat at the end of Year 13. Each paper is 2 hours long, and is out of 100 marks

  • Paper 1 – Further Pure Mathematics only 
  • Paper 2 – Further Pure Mathematics only 
  • Paper 3 – This paper is divided into 2 sections (equal weighting) reflecting the option choices made

Further Pure Mathematics (66.6% of A-Level Further Mathematics) 
Pure mathematics forms the foundation of the course. It is concerned with how to abstract a problem and reason about it in a logical manner. You will learn new techniques that reveal a deeper understanding of the world we live in. It includes topics designed to build upon the Pure Mathematics component studied in the A-Level Mathematics course. 

Further mechanics (16.7% of A-Level Further Mathematics) 
This option component of the course is designed to build upon the Mechanics component studied in the A-Level Mathematics course. You will learn more ways of modelling physical situations. The component of the course complements students studying Physics and would be best suited for individuals wishing to study either Physics or Engineering at university. 

Further statistics (16.7% of A-Level Further Mathematics)
This is designed to build upon the Statistics component of A-Level Mathematics. You will learn more statistical distributions, which can be used to model a wider variety of real world situations. The techniques learned in this component of the course will be helpful in many courses at degree level (such as Engineering/Physics/Computer Science/Medicine). 

Discrete (16.7% of A-Level Further Mathematics) 
How do you know you have the correct solution to a problem? And how quickly can you find it? In discrete mathematics you study the foundations of some algorithms which underpin the modern world. This optional component of the course is entirely new to many students. This component of the course complements Computer Science and Economics.



Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop your wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.