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Birgit Federle  


A Level German

AQA - 7662

Entry Requirements

A Grade 6 or above in GCSE German

Why study German?

Do you hope to one day work abroad or speak a language fluently? Are you interested in an academically challenging course with a strong practical application? If so, then studying a German to A-level could be for you. The German course will develop language skills, cultural and international understanding, and lifelong communication, analytical and research skills which can be applied at work or for leisure purposes.  

Where can it lead?

Many students follow this course with a languages degree, which usually involves learning two languages alongside literature and/or linguistics. Languages also complement any other subject, and are often combined with popular degree courses such as Law, Business, Marketing, History and Engineering. Language graduates are in high demand by employers in the UK and abroad.  Even if the use of German is not the main focus of your career, it is an incredible extra skill which will set you apart from others.  A study of A level German will lead to a lifelong appreciation of the culture of the German-speaking world.

Course Content

There are 4 core topic areas at A-level.

  1. Aspects of German-speaking society
  2. Artistic culture in the German-speaking world
  3. Multiculturalism in German-speaking society
  4. Aspects of political life in the German-speaking world

In addition, you will study a literary text and a film, Andorra and Das Leben der Anderen.

Within Aspects of German-speaking society you will look at:

  • Familie im Wandel
  • Die digitale Welt
  • Jugendkulture: Mode, Musik und Fernsehen

Within Artistic culture in the German-speaking world you will study:

  • Feste und Traditionen
  • Kunst und Architektur
  • Das Berliner Kulturleben damals und heute

Within Multiculturalism in German-speaking society you will look at:

  • Einwanderung
  • Integration
  • Rassismus

And within Aspects of political life in the German-speaking world you will study:

  • Deutschland und die Europäische Union
  • Die Politik und die Jugend
  • Die Wiedervereinigung und ihre Folgen

There are 3 exams:

  • Paper 1: listening, reading & translation into both English & German (2 hours 30 mins, 100 marks) 50%
    Students will have individual control of the listening recording. Questions in German to be answered with non-verbal responses or in German for both reading (50 marks) & listening (30 marks).
  • Paper 2: writing – literature/film essays (2 hours, 80 marks) 20%
    Two essays to be written from choice of 2 possible titles on Andorra and Das Leben der Anderen of approximately 300 words. These require a critical appreciation of the concepts and issues covered in the work and a critical and analytical response to features such as the form and the technique of presentation, as appropriate to the works studied.
  • Paper 3: speaking (16-18 minutes + 5 minutes preparation time, 60 marks) 30%
    Discussion of a sub-theme with the discussion based on a stimulus card (5 – 6 minutes, 25 marks), followed by a presentation (2 minutes) and discussion (9 – 10 minutes) of an individual research project (35 marks).



Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop your wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.