Ed Green : Head of History
A Level History
Grade 6 in GCSE History
History is a fascinating subject which encourages pupils to consider the role of individuals, events and key themes and their contributions to our past. It offers parallels with our society today, helping us to explain current events and issues. Everyone has a connection with the past; A Level History is about discovering which aspect of the past unlocks an individual’s interest.
With History A-level, students can go on to study the subject at university. However, there is a huge
number of transferable skills which students develop through studying History: communication skills (written and verbal), the ability to evaluate critically evidence in a variety of forms, and the ability to evaluate critically arguments and interpretations. It is very highly regarded by employers and will equip students for many different occupations, including teaching, law, journalism and working in the Civil Service.
There are a variety of enrichment opportunities available for students with an interest in History. These include a reading club, public lectures, and a new afterschool archaeology club. Additional reading lists are also made available to pupils at the beginning of a scheme of work that include novels, online texts and suitable films to watch to acquire more knowledge of specific topics studied.
All students are encouraged to borrow books from both the Sixth Form Library and our own History class libraries. Recorded History lectures: https://www.cambournevc.org/news-and-events/historic-all
Course ContentThe subject content for A-Level History is divided into four components:
Unit 1: Britain 1930–1997 This unit will build on previous learning at KS3 where we covered the concepts of the British Empire, the events of WW2, the government of Thatcher and the historical skills of source analysis and essay writing. Our GCSE course on Power and the People directly links to Unit 1 at A Level as the study of British politics is explored. It should be noted that external candidates will be given help to ensure there are no significant knowledge gaps before we begin the course and there is no expectation that students will need to have studied our GCSE course. Unit 2: The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 This unit builds on a short enquiry in Year 8, but for all of our students the concepts of causation, historical significance and change over time will have been addressed in multiple enquiries in KS3 and at GCSE. Much of the substantive content of Unit 2 is new to all students. Unit 3 Y319: Civil Rights in the USA 1865–1992
This depth study unit draws upon work from Year 9 where students were introduced to the long-term narrative of Civil Rights for African Americans and upon the Year 11 unit on the Expansion and Consolidation of America in 19th century. This will be invaluable for students beginning Unit 3 and we will work to ensure students joining from different schools will have support to catch up on this foundational knowledge. Unit 4: Topic based essay (NEA) Unit 4 builds directly on work completed across Year 12. In Unit 1 and Unit 2, students learn how to develop a line of sustained and supported argument across a formal essay. Unit 4 will be completed towards the end of Year 12 and written at the start of Year 13 so directly builds upon skills already developed. Students must use content from Unit 2 for the substance of their NEA.
Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop your wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.