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Super-curricular activities are a great way to explore your subjects in-depth and discover topics you are deeply interested in, and they can also help you to explore subjects and related areas for future study, such as at university. Super-curricular is different to extra-curricular. Extra-curricular activities are those outside of your chosen subjects (including what we would call enrichment), and unrelated to your studies, whereas super-curricular activities take the subjects you study further, beyond what you have learnt in the classroom.

We are committed to providing a wealth of super-curricular resources and opportunities, because super-curricular participation can enhance any future university, apprenticeship, employment applications (e.g. your personal statement), as well as giving you greater confidence in your subject choice and give you a wealth of ideas to draw upon in discussions if you’re invited to interview.

It’s likely that you’ll develop new ideas and opinions, critical thinking and analytical skills, and an ability to understand new information from different sources – this is all great preparation for succeeding in employment and at university.

In our Trust Sixth Forms, our Super-curricular offer includes:

Opportunities for subject based trips and visits to extend your learning

Our online use of Padlet (links below) for each subject allows you to find recommended books, journal articles, videos, films and podcasts that are part of our departmental Super-curricular ‘reading lists’.”


CamSF super-curricular: A-level Art & Design (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Biology (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Business (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Chemistry (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Computer Science (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Drama and Theatre Studies (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Economics (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level English Language (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level English Literature (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Environmental Science (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level French (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Geography (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level German (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level History (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Mathematics (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Double (Further) Maths (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Media (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Music (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Music Technology (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Philosophy (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Photography (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Physical Education (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Physics (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Politics (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Product Design (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Psychology (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Sociology (

CamSF super-curricular: A-level Spanish (

CamSF super-curricular: BTEC Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (

CamSF super-curricular: BTEC Sport (

CamSF super-curricular: Core Maths (