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Tutor Programme

The first person to contact if you need support with any aspect of Sixth Form life is your academic tutor. You can do this by email, in person after the fortnightly tutor group meeting or in a

one-to-one tutorial. Your tutor may then put you in touch with the support team to discuss what action is best. Your tutor is here to both advocate for you and ensure you’re accountable for your progress.

Sixth formers are supported by their Academic Tutors and the Sixth Form Leadership Team. The tutor programme provides sixth formers with regular contact time with their tutor to explore and support a variety of important activities including:

  • Monitoring academic progress and target setting
  • Applications to university or further education
  • Financial planning
  • Applications for employment and techniques to ensure success
  • Student health and well-being
  • Making a success of sixth form studies and examination techniques